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Medication errors pose a threat to hospital patients

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2022 | Medical Malpractice |

Patients who are in the hospital are at the mercy of the doctors and nurses who are caring for them. Even things that they do at home without any thought, such as taking medications, are handled by the staff. While it isn’t common, there’s a chance that a patient could become the victim of a medication error.

There are numerous potential consequences of a medication error. The patient can suffer great harm if an incorrect medication is given, if they miss out on a critical medication or if they’re given the wrong dosage. It’s up to the nursing staff or the person who’s giving the medications to ensure they’re handling things properly.

How can these errors be prevented?

Nurses must take the time to verify patient information, double-check the medication instructions, and ensure that they’re giving the correct dosage. Trying to rush or being fatigued can lead to them making serious errors during this time.

Patients can also help with this, but the duty is on the medical staff. A patient can ask why they’re being given medication and what medications they’re receiving. A patient also has the right to refuse any medication they don’t feel comfortable taking.

When you’re hospitalized, it’s imperative that you carefully monitor what medications you’re being given. You never have to take anything that you don’t recognize or understand. If you’re given incorrect medication or learn of other issues with the medication administration while you’re there, you may suffer harm. If you feel that medical staff have mishandled your care, there may be legal options open to you.