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What is Erb’s palsy?

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2024 | Birth Injuries |

There are many concerning birth injuries that can affect a child’s life. Many people are familiar with cerebral palsy, which may begin during birth or in utero. Fewer people are familiar with Erb’s palsy.

Also known as Erb-Duchenne paralysis and brachial plexus palsy, Erb’s palsy is a neurological injury in the neck often diagnosed after a difficult birth. What do concerned parents need to know about Erb’s palsy?

What causes Erb’s palsy?

Frequently, Erb’s palsy occurs because of birth trauma, often during assisted labor. Doctors manually assisting the baby or using forceps to facilitate delivery can pull, twist or push on the baby’s head in a way that damages nerves in the brachial plexus. The baby may then display weakness when trying to use one hand or arm.

Is Erb’s palsy common?

Some researchers estimate that approximately one in 500 babies develops some degree of Erb’s palsy after delivery. Babies with higher birth weights, those who require longer labor and those who have mothers with diabetes may have a higher risk of Erb’s palsy.

How serious is Erb’s palsy?

Most infants fully recover from Erb’s palsy given enough time and proper medical support. In most cases, treatment involves a combination of physical therapy and parent-facilitated exercises. The goal is to improve and maintain the affected body part’s range of motion despite the nerve damage.

In many cases, Erb’s palsy begins to heal as nerves grow, which is a very slow process. Many babies display reduced symptoms by a year after delivery. In some cases, full recovery requires two years or longer. In particularly serious cases, surgery may be necessary to graft or transfer nerve tissue. Surgical treatment can also help release joints or displaced joints back into place.

Who pays for Erb’s palsy costs?

Particularly in scenarios that require ongoing physical therapy or surgery, the cost and impact of Erb’s palsy can be significant. Given that most cases of Erb’s palsy relate to the improper implementation of birth interventions, the family may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Filing a successful birth injury lawsuit can help replace lost wages and cover treatment costs for an affected infant. Parents frightened by a diagnosis of palsy may need help learning about treatment options and pursuing financial accountability for the injury a child sustained during labor and delivery.