Drunk Driving And Dram Shop
Drunk Driving Crashes Involving Overserved Drivers Are Complex
In motor vehicle accidents involving drunk drivers, a number of factors need to be examined to determine all sources of liability. Was the driver served alcohol despite being clearly intoxicated? If so, a personal injury lawyer may be able to file a dram shop claim on your behalf to hold them accountable for their negligence.
Was drunk driving a factor in an accident that injured yourself or a loved one? To schedule a free consultation with a dedicated lawyer, call us today toll free at 866-412-5937.
Standing Up For DUI Victims
For more than 40 years combined, our attorneys have been standing up for the victims of motor vehicle accidents. If you or a loved one was injured or you have lost a family member due to the actions of a drunk driver, we will aggressively pursue all forms of compensation that are available to you, including compensation for punitive damages.
What Is Dram Shop?
In Iowa, it is possible to file a legal claim against the negligent driver but also against the party who sold the alcohol to the drunk driver. They can be held liable for the damages that occurred as a result of the driver becoming inebriated before operating a motor vehicle. We thoroughly investigate these cases to determine if a dram shop claim is possible in addition to your personal injury claim against the negligent driver.
Free Consultations — Call 866-412-5937
For more information, contact us today for a free consultation with a Des Moines drunk driving charges lawyer.