Fighting For Justice And Your Best Interests

How To Know If Your Child’s Cerebral Palsy Is Due To Medical Malpractice

Though birth defects are rare, cerebral palsy is one of the most common motor disorders in infants. Approximately four in 1,000 births result in complications that lead to cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, medical negligence and malpractice can play a part in causing cerebral palsy. Some examples of medical negligence that can lead to cerebral palsy are:

  • Delay in delivery that caused oxygen deprivation
  • Incorrect use of forceps or vacuums for extraction
  • Improperly watched or diagnosed fetal or maternal distress
  • Unidentified or improperly identified umbilical cord issues

If any of these occurred during the birth of your child, due to doctor negligence, you may deserve compensation. If a doctor gave your child a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and you think one of these factors was the cause, you could file a claim and you will need an experienced attorney to help file successfully. Our attorneys will focus on you and dedicate themselves to your needs and getting results and compensation.

Filing A Compensation Claim

Caring for a child who has cerebral palsy comes with a large financial commitment. If you file a claim, the damages you recover can help you cover various expenses. Compensation can help you cover costs, including:

  • Occupational and physical therapy
  • Loss of wages if a parent must leave work to care for the child
  • Wheelchairs and sound boards
  • Accessibility accommodations in your home
  • Special education

Get Help Navigating Your Case Now

If your child has cerebral palsy and you believe it was caused due to medical negligence or medical malpractice, you need an understanding attorney to help you file your claim. These cases are complicated, and there are many regulations and rules you need to follow to successfully get the compensation you deserve. You need a lawyer who knows how to navigate these claims to help guide you through the process. Contact the law offices of Slater Law, LLC, in West Des Moines, Iowa, to get more information about your claim now. Call 866-412-5937 or send us a message to get started now.